Friday, March 17, 2017

Brief update

Throughout the week I've been woking on the gathering and organizing of my pictures. It has taken much longer than expected, and if I'm completely honest I'm growing a little impatient because I'm wasted more time on it than I planned. I hope to finish this part today though and use the weekend to try and complete my cover as expected, but I really don't know if I'll make it considering the end of the quarter next week... it's a busy weekend, but I'll do my very best.

I'm currently downloading Canva. I will check it out today and see if I like it (hopefully I will) so that I can begin my actual design. If not, I'll proceed to look at other platforms until I find one I can understand & I like. The clock is ticking & I really need to move quick!! 


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Title & selling line development

Hey guys!!! It's been a hectic week and I apologize for taking so long to post but here I am. I've compiled more research, much more extensively, and I think I'm beginning to get an idea of what I want my title page to look like.

As I progress in explaining what I have down until now, I'll incorporate pictures so you can see how I've gone developing the ideas for my title page.

As I had mentioned before, NatGeo Traveler will serve to be my main inspiration. I want to follow a similar guide but use less headings on the title page. Or less writing, a little more concise so that the focus is solely an image. Below you'll find one of my favorite covers of the magazine that I've seen- this was has considerably less headings and is less wordy, the main focus is the image. The colors are vibrant and the picture, in my opinion, is interactive & entices the reader.

I'll begin with the title of course, which has to be the same in every issue. Since my magazine's focus is its aesthetics and I want the colors to be vibrant and matching, when it comes to colors my title will change according to the color scheme of each issue. The font & name, of course, will remain the same... that goes without saying. I'll now elaborate on my selling line, as promised in my last post. "A taste of your world," is an elegant statement. I used the word "your" so that it's a direct address to the reader & gives them a sense of ownership & connection with this world I am showing through my magazine. If it's THEIR world, shouldn't they get to know it? 

I have yet to choose a font but my title will be in all caps. I want to place it at the bottom of my page, as I've seen that most of these magazine covers have it on the top (right), this would be a different layout & could make it interesting for readers

Below you'll find two sketches of where I plan to place my title & my selling line. Both visible & first sight areas. 

Selling Line

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Some ideas

I began a little bit of my research and got an idea of travel magazines I liked and disliked, as well as to check who my competition would be. I'm a big fan of simplicity and know for sure that I want my magazine to be appealing to the eye, at the least, and clear/easy to follow.

One magazine I didn't really like was Sunset. The reason why is because although simpler than tabloids, it still seems pretty attacked to me. All the words in different sizes, fonts, and colors, make remind me a lot of those types of magazines and that's the opposite of what I'm going for. I'm looking to go for a more artistic approach. This magazine has a lot of words on its cover and I'd say depends more on the headlines to attract their readers. Obviously, all magazines need words and headlines, but I hope to make mine more minimalistic. 

I did come across another magazine that focused more on my type of approach: National Geographic Traveler. This magazine is highly dependent on its images just like all travel magazines, but this one excels in its pictures. Here you'll find some of Traveler's best magazine covers, displaying that artistic focus, each more beautiful than the last. I will use this one as an inspiration and for certain guidelines to follow. 

According to my schedule, I should begin working on organizing my pictures and begin my title page  next week. I'll dedicate tomorrow to the brainstorming of the design of my logo. If I'm 100% honest, I'm pretty nervous to actually start the whole design part. Ive never had to design something from scratch and so meticulous and I have a feeling the whole part of putting it together will give me a hard time (I''m not too tech-savvy). I'm psyched to incorporate my own pictures and writing, I just hope I can make it all look smooth. I'll let you know how it goes, though. 

I've decided my title is going to be "Wanderlust" (Luckily enough, inspiration struck just in time). It's a word that makes it clear to the audience what they'll be reading, and overall encompasses the mood I am trying to set: for people to desire to get out there and appreciate the world. Actually, I just thought of a selling line I really like... "A taste of your world". I'll elaborate more on the selling line in my next post, along with some more research.