Sunday, April 9, 2017


 After any big project, whether it's in school or life in general, should come a reflection. It's important to look back on what you did well and what you didn't in order for there to be room for improvement. What's the point of it all if we don't learn from our mistakes?
After these couple weeks, I found that time management is the biggest of my issues. Despite my schedule and good planning, I failed to execute the steps on time and found myself doing everything last minute. This is definitely something I need to work on because having managed my time better I would have avoided a LOT of unnecessary stress. I also think that my technological skills need some improvement, because truly I'm pretty rusty.
Apart from that I think I did pretty well. I'm happy with the topic I chose because it's something that I'm passionate about and enjoyed.
Overall, I think this project was a positive and fun learning experience and I look forward to doing more like them in the future.

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